Smoke-free legislation came into force in Wales on 2nd April 2007, ending smoking in enclosed and substantially enclosed public places. Compliance with the legislation has been high and public support for the legislation has continued to grow.
The law creates three specific offences:
- Failing to display no-smoking signs in premises covered by the law
- Smoking in a smoke-free place
- Failing to prevent smoking in a smoke-free place.
Policy Statement
It is the policy of Aberystwyth Town Council to make adequate and mutually acceptable arrangements for the promotion of better health for all its employees and councillors by the total restriction of smoking within its workplaces.
Application of the Policy
The smoking ban will apply to all employees whilst occupying premises or vehicles controlled by the Council. This ban also applies to employees who are travelling on Council business using their own private vehicles whilst travelling with non-smokers.
Employees who leave the premises in order to smoke must do so only with the express consent of their supervisor.
The Town Clerk will ensure that appropriate signs are displayed on the Council’s premises.
Members have resolved that they will be bound by the terms of the No Smoking Policy in the same way as employees.
Members of the Public
All members of the public are expected to comply with the non smoking policy in Council premises, except where specifically permitted, e.g., outside area. Adequate notices will be displayed to inform them of this policy.
Contractual Obligations
The No Smoking Policy will be regarded as a term in all employees’ contracts of employment. The Council will include a copy of this Policy in the employment contracts of all new employees and will bring it to the attention of potential applicants both prior to and at the interview stage.
Enforcement of Restrictions
Persistent and wilful refusal to comply with the Council’s policy may be dealt with under the Town Council’s Disciplinary Procedure.
The No Smoking Policy will be kept under review.