The winged wheel is a heraldic symbol for tourism and indicates the importance of the tourist trade to the town.
The Aberystwyth Castle Tower.
The wheatsheaf signifies the importance of the town as a market centre, and its dependence on the agricultural hinterland.
The heraldic ships record Aberystwyth's past importance as a port and ship building industry.
The open book represents academic aspects in the town's life as represented by the University College of Wales and the National Library of Wales. The year 1277 is the date when the original Charter was granted by Edward I.
The black lion is taken from the Arms of the Pryse family of Gogerddan, near Aberystwyth, who played an important part in the life of the Town and the County of Cardigan.
The red dragon of Wales.
The motto, meaning 'The Best Way of Life is Service'