Aberystwyth Council

Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth Town Council


Cofnodion y Pwyllgor Cyllid a Sefydliadau (o bell)

Minutes of the Finance and Establishments Committee (remote)


  1. 12.2021








Cyng. Talat Chaudhri (Cadeirydd)

Cyng. Alun Williams

Cyng. Jeff Smith

Cyng. Charlie Kingsbury

Cyng. Endaf Edwards

Cyng. Mark Strong


Yn mynychu


Cyng. Lucy Huws

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerc)




Cllr. Talat Chaudhri (Chair)

Cllr. Alun Williams

Cllr. Jeff Smith

Cllr. Charlie Kingsbury

Cllr. Endaf Edwards

Cllr. Mark Strong


In attendance


Cllr Lucy Huws

Gweneira Raw-Rees (Clerk)






Cyng Alex Mangold

Cyng. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cyng. Mari Turner




Cllr Alex Mangold

Cllr. Dylan Wilson-Lewis

Cllr. Mari Turner




Datgan buddiannau: Dim

Declarations of interest:  None




Cyfeiriadau Personol:


  1. Yng ngoleuni mater diweddar ynghylch sylwadau hiliol a wnaed gan gynghorydd sir, ARGYMHELLIR bod Cyngor Tref Aberystwyth yn rhyddhau datganiad i bwysleisio nad oedd y sylwadau yn seiliedig ar ffaith ac nad oeddent yn cynrychioli barn y Cyngor Tref nac unrhyw gynghorydd tref. Dylid cyfeirio preswylwyr at bolisïau gwrth-gasineb y Cyngor Tref ac ati.


  1. Cytunwyd i anfon cerdyn cydymdeimlad at y Cyng Gareth Davies a'i deulu ar farwolaeth ei fab yn ddiweddar.

Personal references:


  1. In light of a recent issue around racist comments being made by a county councillor it was RECOMMENDED that Aberystwyth Town Council release a statement to stress that the comments were not based on fact and did not represent the views of the Town Council or any town councillor. Residents should be referred to the Town Council’s anti-hate policies etc.


  1. It was agreed to send a card of condolence to Cllr Gareth Davies and family on the recent death of his son.


Anfon cerdyn

Send card


Cyfrifon Mis Tachwedd


ARGYMHELLIR cymeradwyo'r cyfrifon

November accounts


It was RECOMMENDED that the accounts be approved




Neuadd Gwenfrewi (Eitem caeëdig)


  • Rheolwr Prosiect (codi arian ac ymgysylltu â’r gymuned)
  • Archwiliad yr adeildau a chostau


Gohiriwyd y drafodaeth nes bod dyfynbrisiau digonol wedi'u derbyn.

Neuadd Gwenfrewi (closed item)

  • Project (Fundraising and Community Engagement Manager contract
  • Costed buildings condition survey

Discussion was postponed until sufficient quotes had been received.

Eitem agenda

Agenda item


Yswiriant (Terfysgaeth a Seiber)


Y Clerc i ddarparu costau ar gyfer y cyfarfod nesaf.

Insurance (Terrorism and Cyber)


The Clerk to provide costings for the next meeting.


Eitem agenda

Agenda item


Gŵyl Feicio Aber 2022 (ariannu)


ARGYMHELLIR y dylid darparu £8,000 o gyllideb eleni.

Aber Cycle Fest 2022 (funding)


It was RECOMMENDED that £8,000 should be provided from this year’s budget.










LlC: Gwariant Adran 137(4)(a).  Y swm fesul etholwr yw £8.82


WG: Section 137(4)(a) expenditure. The amount per elector is £8.82





Rhwydwaith Aberystwyth Llawrydd: anfonwyd gwybodaeth am broses ymgeisio am grant y Cyngor mewn ymateb i'r cais am arian

Aberystwyth Freelance Network:  information on the Council’s grant application process had been sent in response to the request for funding.




Swydd newydd: Digwyddiadau a Phartneriaethau


ARGYMHELLIR bod y Cyngor yn cymeradwyo graddfa cyflog SCP21 ar gyfer y swydd hon.


New post: Events & Partnerships


It was RECOMMENDED that Council approves the salary scale SCP21 for this post.